This is it. All your bags are checked in, and your quarantine accommodation at Astoria Plaza is already booked. You’re excited and can’t stop thinking about reuniting with your family and friends in the Philippines!
You are also getting antsy. The plane is still hours away. Barely five minutes have passed, and already, the boredom is starting to set in.
Don’t worry! We have compiled a list of activities you can do to help you burn time and to make that wait more bearable!
Read a book.
A tried-and-true trick, reading a book always helps curb boredom. If you are a paperback fan, bring at least two books, so you have different titles to choose from. For phone users, there’s always Kobo, Kindle, Google Play Books, and other eBook reading apps to choose from.

Watch a movie or listen to a podcast.
If you plan on burning time, do download your favorite movies and podcasts before leaving the house. Apps like Netflix and Spotify have tons of titles you can choose from. So, download at least a few on your phone or tablet to entertain you even on a flight.

Play games.
You can download popular games from the app store, but consider choosing those you can play offline, so you don’t spend too much of your data. If you have mobile consoles like Nintendo Switch, even better! You can play with a fellow bored passenger and make a new friend! Modern doesn’t always mean better, so if you can lug around a small chessboard or other board games, you’d be the star of the terminal!

Quickly plan your itinerary.
You may have a quarantine pitstop before going back to your own home, but isn’t it fun to plan your next activities already? As we know, staring at the four walls for a few days isn’t going to cut it. Check the internet and research activities you can do to make your stay more enjoyable! Since you are already staying at the best hotel in Ortigas, you may want to check out this blog we made exactly for that! Trust us, creating your bucket list and planning your goals can be fun!
Vlog your experience.
Reconnect with people by building your social media presence. Update them with a vlog detailing your plans for your quarantine stay! Ask your followers (i.e. friends) for ideas on what you should do in Astoria Plaza and what to try next from Astoria Gourmet Take-aways and Minami Saki’s selection! Don’t forget to show them your luxurious suite, too!
Explore the airport.
Explore and find the best airport restaurants to eat at. You may also bring your camera to take artistic shots of the food for your blog or feed.

Check your work emails.
Yes, we know you are on vacation, but all that waiting is bound to get you to do something productive, right? A quick peek at your work email won’t hurt, and this may also get you in the mood to wrap up some of the lighter loads if you are lugging that laptop of yours! Who knows, you might impress the boss to give you additional leave credits for next year!

So, which one will you try first?